Sunday, March 16, 2008

How To Help My Child

One parent notice her child is struggling, then to be told this child may never graduate from high school how do you do. Of course your in shock because you think your child is functioning properly at home. to discover my child has a learning disability. Set a goal like if the child has trouble tying their sneakers, buy shoes with velcro or keep it tied and slip them on. Using trial and error reward the victories.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If someone told me my child would never graduate from high school I wouldn't accept it. I would seek out all the help and resources I could, even prayer. A lot of children with learning disabilities can become adjusted and function properly, and without medications. The writers in your link Nancy and Danielle mother and daughter who have overcome a learning disability, proves that they can be overcomed. As they say "Two significant keys for successfully managing the many challenges of learning disabilities are staying engaged in the process and energized for the daily struggles".